The company’s sectors are numerous to include four main specializations, working in an integrated manner to serve one of the goals, and they are as follows:
And supervises the work of studies, follow-up, planning and supervision of implementation, and includes several departments under his supervision to carry out these tasks, namely:
- The Technical Office.
- Projects Department.
- Managing quantities calculation.
- Quality Control Department.
- Planning and follow-up department.

The company possesses a huge fleet of advanced equipment of all types, brands and models, and it is cared for and maintained by several departments run by a large number of the most qualified engineers, technicians and trained cadres … to do these tasks which are:
- Workshop management and maintenance.
- Main Central Workshops.
- External workshops.

And he supervises all the processes of providing the supplies and materials needed to implement all projects and civil works through a large number of stone crushing units deployed in several sites serving the implementation of businesses throughout the country.. Besides a large number of mixing plants for asphalt concrete and concrete with high production capacities that It is managed by automatic control and includes:
- Crushers.
- Concrete mixing stations.
- Asphalt mixing stations.
- Department of Transportation and Supplies.

He is responsible for supervising and performing all financial works, bank accounts, contracting and procurement work, supervising stores and calculating the costs of operations.. As well as providing and organizing human resources and controlling them… It is also the sector responsible for preparing and following up the annual company budget, as well as the company’s relationship with government agencies, taxes and social insurance.
It includes several departments under his supervision to carry out these tasks, namely:
- Bank and income account Department.
- Costing and auditing Department.
- Human Resource Department.
- Personnel Department.
- Contract Department.
- purchase Department.
- Store Department.