Saturday, Jul 27th

Last update03:05:36 PM GMT

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The south of the valley - Toushka
article02 bullet Our company participated significantly in this project, as we've accomplished a major part in the earthwork for the first, second and third phase in "Elshekh Zayed Canal" which is the main canal. The work mainly included digging and exploding and the results were transported to grounds of low levels to form a sector for canals and bridges as well aslining with sand and cement.In addition, we executed the third branch completely, the work included the implementation of rocks excavation and explosion and the transfer of the output of drilling outside the site, besides the work of filling to form the water sector, the bridges, cement and sand lining, polyethylene layers, fiber supported cement, asphalt roads, the building of 3 bridges with a tonnage of 70 tons.
وإنشاء قنطرة الفم على دليل فرعى 4.3 وتحتوى على الهيكل الخرسانى وفتحتين مركب عليها بوابات قطرية للتحكم فى المياه عن طريق منظومة سكاد و إيضا إنشاء عدد 7 مأخذ على جانبى الفرع لتغذية المساقى الفرعية الموصلة للمياه داخل الأرض الزراعية وتحتوى على عدد 11 فتحة مركب عليها بوابات قوية تعمل أليا .
article02 bullet The amount of digging for this project has reached about 50.000.000 meter cubed. and the amount of filling reached about 4.000.000 meter cubed.
article02 bullet The amount of cement, iron and fiber used is about 130.000 meter cubed, and the asphalt works was about 150 km.
article02 bullet In addition, we did various jobs concerning "Elshekh Zayed" farm which is the infrastructure of the reclamation of 1000 feddans to be used for scientific research and experiments. This projects includes:
»104 residential unit, of high standard finishing for the experts, the technicians, the workers and the farmers (and their families).
»A commercial 2-stories mall on the total space of 10500 meter squared. It includes as well a hospital, a police center and baby daycare.
»A 2-stories building for training on a total space of 2000 meter squared.
»A 2-stories building for research on a total space of 2000 meter squared.
»An administration building on a total space of 1200 meter squared.
  A station for water purification and drinking water
  A station and network for sanitation
  A station for irrigation water
  A station for reusing sanitation water
  An irrigation network of 80000 meters length
  An electricity network of high-medium-low pressure, with generators.
»Trees as windbreaks.
»Swimming pools.
(Qadaref - Douka - ElQalabat) roads
article02 bullet Construction of (Qadaref - Douka - ElQalabat) roads in the Republic of Sudan.
article02 bullet Our company has implemented this project completely. This road connects Sudan to Ethiopia. It's length is 256 km. The project has included the following:
»Digging and removing the extra earth to reach the right level.
»Filling with earth layers to reach the right level.
»Accomplishing the basic layer (150000 meter squared)
»The spraying of the instilling layer (1250000 meter squared)
    Putting up an asphalt ligamental layer (1100000 meter squared)
    Putting up an asphalt surface layer (1250000 meter squared)
»Industrial works
article02 bullet The project was accomplished fantastically according to high international standards, and was opened by the president of Sudan.
The construction of the new railway in Cairo International Airport
article02 bullet Our company executed the earthwork for this project which is considered on of the biggest projects regarding the work of digging, filling and leveling. The amount of soil moving is more than 47 million meter cubed. A huge number of bulldozers, loaders, excavators, trucks, moto-graders and rollers for soil compaction and water purification.
article02 bullet This project included the construction of the main runway and the sub-runways, in addition to the new road connecting the ring road to the Passengers Hall no.3. It was accomplished and opened according to planned date.
Upper Egypt Road project - The Red Sea
article02 bullet Our company has accomplished a major part of this project, with a distance of 140 km (12o km from Safaga to Sohag and 20 km towards Qena). This project included:
»Breaking and digging rocks to reach to the perfect earth level.
»Filling the earth and building bridges to reach to the perfect earth level.
»Making a basic layer out of the broken rocks
»The spraying of the instilling layer MCO
»Putting up an asphalt ligamental layer
»Building industrial works
article02 bullet The project was accomplished on the planned date and it was opened by the president.
article02 bullet Rate of developmentThe annual development of the company's business(the value - million pounds)